13 August 2010

Today band zuper fun man! :D I love mr ong, ttvm. And hor,
Mr wong like becoming more and more strict can not. Like, wtf man. So fierce aye.
ANDDDDDDDDDDD! Today is friday liao! Whoo!
Freaking happy niah! Tmrl got that tuition again. Omf.
Ahya, i wanna say something to those liars on earth luhs. Like for example,
the peabrain luhs.
You dare to tell her bullshitz, den come tell me another fairytale nia!
Impressive! I believe. -_- Pfft. Hahahah. _l_
Loser lah hor, cb. Keyboard warrior sibo? Learn from you one luh hor.
Gong zuey zuey. Tsk, bhb yi ge. Fuck off far far lahs, lj.
Hong-ing girls ur passion siol.
Jiayou for future ehy. :D See how successful you can be ah!
Zai, zai. -.- Ha. Drop dead bodoh siak.
Okay, till here then! Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyeee! :3